Australian Actors Take Action During Covid-19

It’s Time For Australian Actors To Take Action!

We understand this is a heartbreaking, confusing and uncertain time for Australian Actors and other creatives across the nation and the globe. However, from great adversity comes strength and we believe now is the time for artists to show us just how strong they are and to step up to the fight! 


If, like so many Australians, your work and/or artistic practice has been affected as a result of Corona Virus, NOW is your time to speak up. Here’s a few simple things you, as Australian actors, can do to have your voice heard, contribute to invaluable data collection and engage with the decision makers:

  • ‘I LOST MY GIG’ – a website has been created to help Australians in the arts and entertainment industry who have impacted by this crisis to share their stories on the extent of this impact. Visit to lodge your details. 
  • MEAA Survey – The Media Arts & Entertainment Alliance (EQUITY) have created a similar platform for all industry workers to detail how they’ve been impacted. You do NOT have to be an equity member to participate and it takes minutes! Visit the MEAA Website to complete the survey. 

australian actors lost gigs

australian actors lost gigs


Get Political

You can also get in touch with politicians, both federal and state, via email to express your concerns about the future of our industry. There are excellent template letters and instructions available on the ‘I LOST MY GIG’ RESOURCES PAGE or we are happy to provide you with one that you can personalise. Attach some of the press releases from the MEAA Media Room to your emails for extra credibility. Here’s a starting point on who you can get in touch with: 



You can also find out who your local MP is and email them! 

You may not get responses from all of these emails, but you will get some and hopefully some advice on where to next. 


As much as it may not feel like it right now, our industry is a feisty, passionate and above all else, resilient bunch. If anyone knows financial and emotional hardship – it’s actors and creatives. So, let’s get to it! We’re here to support in any way we can. 


We got this! 

Suzanne, Tash & Stephen


australian actors strength in adversity